Client: Oak Meadows

Website & Brochure Copywriting

“We released our first phase on Monday and it sold out in under 24 hours! The website and brochure have obviously worked. It was really fun working with the Sharp Media Group team, it's rare that you find people who get things right the first time."
Oak Meadows Development
Team Member

The Client

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The Goal

The client wanted a very specific style of writing that put forward the luxury development that was one of the first of its kind in the region, however retained a friendly and approachable tone throughout.

The Result

We put together the text for a 21-page brochure and had on-going calls with the scheme director and interior design team to ensure that our words matched the development perfectly. In addition to this, we also provided the text for a brochure website and worked closely with the web design team to meet their needs. The scheme's first phase sold out in under 24 hours.

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